Another awesome book from Tommy Nelson to giveaway this weekend.
If you know anything about my kids you know Maggie loves to read. The other three, well maybe if it's raining outside and the power is out and all the games are put away.
So when Here's Lily the first in a series came in the mail, she was very excited to get it read.

Maggie tells me, "It's about a girl and of course her name is Lily, Mom. A women comes to school and gives Lily a makeover and she decides to be a model. Well Mom you have to read the book to find out what happens in the end!"
I asked, "Maggie would you recommend this book to your friends?"
"YES, this is a fun book to read and you learn lots of things too," she said.
Thanks Maggie for the interview, guess I'll be reading Here's Lily for my book of the week.
I know you want to read Here's Lily with your daughter. It's written for the 4-7 age group and it's companion nonfiction book is also available to purchase through Tommy Nelson called The Beauty Book.
Comment on the question below to win your own copy of Here's Lily. Contest ends at midnight, Sunday, June 3rd.
How do you apply God’s definition of beauty with your daughter’s in today’s world?
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book to review and give my opinion about and Tommy Nelson will mail the winner a copy too!
I should have mentioned Maggie is 8 and she thinks Mattie who is 10 should read this book. So we suggest it for all elementary aged girls!
I don't have a daughter but I do work with children and have nieces. I try to be reaffirming to the girls I work with and my nieces. I tell them often how unique and special they are. They are beautiful because God made them that way not because of what others say. It's amazing what a smile, a hug, and a kind word will do for a little girl's self esteem. I know what it can do for mine! So why not do the same for the girls I am with!
Becky Mitchell.
Congratulations Becky you win!. Tommy Nelson will be mailing that out to you soon.
Thanks for entering,
Thank you so much for running this contest. Lily and I both appreciate it! BTW, I have two MJs . (Marijean -- who is now 33 years old - and her daughter Maeryn Julienne who is almost two. I love me some MJ's!) Blessings, Nancy Rue
Hi Michelle,
Hope all is well. Can you shoot me an e-mail at
I want to let you know about some great new Zonderkidz books you might be interested in.
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