I grew up celebrating Father's Day with my Daddy and three Grandfathers and for several years one of my Great-Grandfathers. It was indeed just another day, we saw my Grandfathers regularly and Daddy made me breakfast every single morning for almost 18 years of my life so he was always there for me.
Fast forward a few years, all three Grandfathers passed away within a few years of each other. The last one passed away two days after our wedding. He, Daddy's Dad, promised on Thursday that he would hold on until after the wedding because we didn't need any more stress.
Mikie and I have been married 14 years and have four kids, (in case you're new to the blog). Mikie is a practical joker and likes to in some people's words, "torment" them.
Mikie is an awesome Daddy, my favorite photo of him and the kids is in an album on the bookcase. I guess I should scan it and share it sometime.
Mikie's all about being goofy. |
But anyway, Mikie changed diapers, waited patiently in odd places while I nursed when the kids where little. Now he drops them at activities, helps in Royal Ambassadors, holds the puke bucket and takes them to the doctor when their sick. There are many days that we, especially me, take him for granted. Then there are days, like during deployments, that we realize just what he means to us and does for us.
Mikie is teaching our kids to love and to follow the Lord and teaching Michael how to be a Christian man, husband and father.
Michael, Mikie and Paw Mike enjoying the rodeo! |
Because of Mikie I have two Father-in-Laws. They are both amazing Grandfathers to my children.
Paw is Mikie's Daddy and drops everything to help his grandbabies, and their parents, when they need them.
Paw is a contractor and hopes that one of these days Mikie and Michael will take over his business so he can retire.
Papaw Larry married Grammy in 2002 after Mattie and Cousin Max where born. He is retired and the kids love swimming with him. Papaw is also a Lay-Speaker at his church and the kids think it's awesome, that he preaches. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of Papaw Larry. Guess what I'll do today when we see him.
The fourth Daddy we celebrate on Father's Day is my brother, also know as Uncle Buddy. I am so proud of Buddy and his wife Melissa. God has given them an awesome calling in life. They are foster parents. Several children have called Buddy and Melissa daddy and momma over the last few years. They currently have two preschool aged boys who have been with them for two years. The boys are adorable and have some issues from their birth home. Buddy is a substitute teacher at the local elementary school, which allows him to be home with the boys when he needs to be. Melissa is a nurse and the boys attend day care but for these boys they need the stability of knowing Daddy can be there when they need him.
Now for the most important Daddy in my life, MINE! My parents have been married 45 years as of June 10th. I believe that is one of the biggest accomplishments anyone can have. So many couples don't make it that far. Daddy has always been here for me. He "flew" in Buddy's words across the railroad tracks when the grocery store where I worked called and told him I was having chest pains in college. He worked odd jobs on many occasions when the plant shut down or he was laid off to make sure we ate.
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My Parents |
He took care of his mother during her many illnesses and battle with various cancers from the time he was in high school and for 22 years after until her death at age 60. He cared for his step-dad, dad and step-mom and both of my Mom's parents when they were ill. He takes care of my babies when they are sick on his day off each week.
He drives me absolutely insane most of the time, but I wouldn't trade him for any other Daddy in the world. He has given me so many things throughout life, the ability to constantly talk, be stubborn, express my opinions even when I shouldn't, and drive other people I'm with absolutely insane. He taught me to cook, tried to teach me to drive (remember stubborn), and cried when I graduated from colleg.
I could go on and on for days about my Daddy but lengthy posts don't do well. So from me to you Daddy, I love you and Happy Father's Day!
(Disclaimer: Before Mom thinks I don't love her as much as Daddy, well I do. I was just really busy that week preparing a reception for a special couple's wedding and let Mother's Day blogging slip by. I'll tell you about my Mom soon.)
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