During the summer we often take day trips, a couple of camping trips and every few years a week long vacation. Last weekend we were invited to the Inman/Riden wedding down in Etowah.
Now we could have left in the afternoon, dressed and ready to walk in the door of the church for the wedding, but you know me, I'm always looking for a reason to shop. We left around ten Friday morning, stopped at Weigel's for our drinks for the road, two ICEE's , two soft drinks and a grape juice. Yes, just five of us in the car. Mikie was at work.
Our next stop was Turkey Creek Public Market, where we purchased way to many woodworking books for Mikie. We try to always find him something when we shop , it's a guilt thing. Then we were off to Old Navy and Target at Turkey Creek, for swimsuits.
Back on the road we went south on I-75, grabbed lunch at McDonald's, thanks to my Secret Pal from church and her last gift card. By three we pulled into the
Comfort Inn in Athens. This picture was actually as we were checking out on Saturday morning. It was pouring rain when we arrived.
Once checked in, the beds bounced on, clothes hung up and the bathroom broken in, we were off to the pool. We had a little over an hour to swim and enjoy the waterslide. There was no one else in the pool which makes it even better. Although, Maggie had a hard time with the shark on the bottom of the pool. It really bothered her when she dove to the bottom and saw it.
We hit the road to Etowah, met Mikie, and arrived at the church in time to enjoy the beautiful music. I wish we had been a little earlier, I love listening to the music and missed the first half hour of it.
The wedding was beautiful, as was expected. We sat in the balcony with Mikie's sister and her family. Everyone was well behaved, no one blurted out during the ceremony, no gas was passed, and only Michael and cousin Max shook hysterically when someone's cell phone rang some Duke's of Hazard sound.
After the wedding we were off to
Springbrook Golf and Country Club for the reception. Mikie's original plan was to head back home that night, since he had to work on Saturday morning. He changed his mind and decided to stay at the hotel, get up at 4:30 and go to work. The kids and I had secretly hoped he would go home, so we could stay at the reception longer.

I love this picture and had to include it. I took this as we went out the door to the wedding. Mollie hates dresses. Kenzie told her she needed to wear a dress to her wedding. Maggie's best friend, Kellie, was with us when we found this one. Kellie made such a big deal about how she would wear it, Mollie decided it would do. I'm not one to argue over what they are wearing. If they are dressed we are good to go. I encouraged Mollie to wear the pretty silver sandals Maggie had picked out for her. She would have no part of "pretty" shoes. She found the ones that are under her feet in the pic at Target that morning. I love them even if they don't match her dress. She also informed me, "tomboys don't wear heals, momma." She doesn't like for people to tell her she is pretty, cute or sweet. So you've been warned.
Saturday morning we enjoyed waffles, biscuits and gravy and eggs at the hotel complimentary breakfast. The pool was available for two more hours and then we checked out.
Now here are the things that really make this a one tank trip. We could have done all of our Friday shopping and Saturday's activities in one day without spending the night.

Once checked out we headed to
Mayfield Dairy. We took the tour which starts at the top of the hour. The tour is free. The current tour includes production of milk jugs, chugs, and during the school year cartons. The next part of the tour we viewed the bottling process. We watched a video about the ice cream process. They are currently adding on to the ice cream production area and that part of the tour will be opened in March of 2013.
Maggie and her 14 foot friend, Maggie the Jersey Cow |
The highlight of the Mayfield tour came afterwards when we visited the ice cream bar. They offer their original, best sellers and several other only bought there flavors in cones and cups. We enjoyed lunch at Mayfield Dairy.
During corn maze season you can visit the
Mayfield Farm and Nursery, just out the road from the dairy.
Once we hit Highway 411 in
Etowah we stopped downtown at the Sundry stores, checked out the car show at the L & N Depot and Museum. We had planned on visiting the museum but chose not to this trip because of the car show. We drove south on Highway 411 to see what was around and saw a glider being taken up at the
Chilhowee Gliderport.
Heading back up north, we stopped at several more Sundry stores. This time we got Mikie a $90.00 Coleman sleeping bag for $33.00. That was our best find this trip. If you don't know what a Sundry store is it is basically a salvage or junk store. Most of the items at these Sundry stores are brand new, some have been returned to their original store and then sold through pallet sales by that store to the Sundry store.
One of the stores downtown, sorry I can't remember the name, but it was all Target items. That's where we got the sleeping bag. They had loads of Target clothing, house goods, etc. Last summer when we visited one of the stores we picked up inline skates with a regular price of more than $60 for $8.00 each. Mikie loves buying tools there too. It's hit and miss as to what they have but we love the hunt of a good bargain.
By the time we finished the last store, everyone was hungry, thirsty and sleepy so we will have to go back to visit
Sweetwater Valley Farm for cheese. We had a snack, drink and the kids napped as I drove up 411 to Maryville, over to Alcoa and on to Food City back in town where I filled the tank.
Once I wrote it all down it's probably not as exciting as I led you to believe it was, but we had a great time, got a few great deals and spent lots of time talking and singing together. Oh yea, I forgot to mention that we received a cd of Kenzie and Mark's favorite love songs at the reception, which we listened to at least three times on the trip home.
If you've got a day to waste, a little cash to spend and want to do something new head to Highway 411 and see what you can get yourself into.