
Monday, December 9, 2013

Tis the Season to be Busy

Trying to keep the blog up is like trying to clean house with four kids and two cats following behind. I don't have time for either. 

If you're here because you were a lucky ;) receipent of our family Christmas card then welcome. 

I have all intentions of updating at least once a week. I'd like to think I would give you a week in review but for today you will have to settle for pictures. 

I do have a Bible and a book from Tommy Nelson to give away. Look for that post toward the end of the week. 

And now what you've all been waiting for...

Mom one of the girls drew on my face while I was asleep. Hmmm...not likely. You're a great artist. 

How many more can we stack before we fall? 0

                        Cousin love. 

Little practice. That poor truck bed liner. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 12 - 30 Days of Gratitude

Mikie picked up the kids at school today. Told Papaw they were going to the eye doc and would come back to the house that Mikie is remodeling for lunch that had been packed and then he would take them back to school. When they got back to the house Papaw had cleaned up the parlor, set up a makeshift table, laid out their lunches and had even brought them soft drinks and cookies for a special treat. 

Thankful today for a great daddy for my kids. One who remodels a house for a year so that we can have a shorter drive to school (longer for him) and live in the same neighborhood as the families we hope to one day minister to. 

And for a great Papaw, my daddy, who makes sure his babies are always well fed and even if he doesn't know how or what to do he goes to the new house and keeps Mikie company while he works. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 11 -- 30 Days of Gratitude -- Happy Veteran's Day

Thankful today for all of our Veteran's and for those currently serving. Also thankful for those who stand behind their family and friends who are serving. I wish that behind every warrior was a faithful, praying spouse, parent, sibling, grandparent or friend. Not all of our Veteran's are as loved as the many that I know. 

Today I salute my husband, SMSgt Michael Johnson. The following is a write up I submitted for the Hamblen County Schools website salute to our Veteran's.

SMSgt Michael Johnson has served with the Tennessee Air National Guard, 134th Air Refueling Wing at McGhee Tyson Air Base in Alcoa for 22 years. SMSgt Johnson entered the Air National Guard upon graduating from high school.

Mike began as an aircraft mechanic as a weekender and worked his way up the ranks. Currently he is Resource Advisor for the maintenance department and works fulltime with the guard. 

Having traveled worldwide with the 134th. He has been deployed to Germany several times, as well as Italy, Turkey, England, Guam, United Arab Emirates, Kyrgyzstan and well as many other countries.

He has supported several conflicts and wars in his 22 years of service and has received several awards for his service. 

The kids and I love our Hero and support him 110%. Michael might be questionable. :)

Friday, November 8, 2013

Day 8 -- 30 Days of Gratitude

Michael was upset with me this morning. I ran in the gas station on the way to school. When I came back I saw this on his window. I just smiled. Even when he is upset with me he still likes me. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 7 -- 30 Day of Gratitude

Thankful today for my brother and his family. These little guys officially became my nephews a few weeks ago. They were pretty excited to know that every year they will get gifts on their adoption birthday too. And yes they are always all smiles. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 6 -- 30 Days of Gratitude

Thankful for Mikie's Mom and Larry today. Thankful to know we will see Papaw again in heaven one day. Love you, Grammy. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 5 -- 30 Days of Gratitude

Thankful today that the Lord blessed me with two sets of in-laws. Today the Johnson's. There's never a dull moment.
I love you both. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 4 -- 30 Days of Gratitude -- My Parents

Thankful today for my parents. They've put up with a lot of crap over the years, but have never let me down. They are always by my side when I need them. Love you both, bunches!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 3--30 Days of Gratitude

Thankful today for these goofballs! Look out you may see some of these on our Christmas cards.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Day 2--- A Different Kind of Wednesday

Wednesday is always my favorite day. We got to eat supper, sing praises in choir and go to GA's. School was good. My locker is nice and much cleaner than my room. Today I got some new clothes. Then there was the stink bug that crawled up my leg. One of the boys squished it in a kleenex and gave it to the teacher. 

Wow, the child who never stops talking didn't even have a paragraph to say. My middle school experience is usually as exciting as hers. Today I went to school a red head, as opposed to yesterday's  blonde/brown who needs a salon visit soon. I washed it out 4 times and it's still really red. I knew there would be many comments. Middle schoolers don't mind to tell you what they think. I once had a student ask to go to her locker during class. She returned with a business card for her hair stylist. She thought I might want to call her.  I knew then I would never be able to wear my hair the way I wanted and get away with it. 

There were quiet a few comments. Even questioning, which I love.
"Mrs. Johnson, did you color your hair?'" 
"Mrs. Johnson, who did your hair? I don't want to go there."
"Mrs. Johnson, I love your hair. It looks like my moms."
And my favorite was the statement, "Mrs. Johnson, you COLORED your hair." Like I didn't know. 

Apparently it's "my color", at least according to most of my friends. I know they wouldn't just tell me that to keep from telling me how awful it really looks. 

Yesterday, furlough came to our house. He isn't welcomed, although, I'm trying to see it as a blessing. Mikie will be able to work on the farmhouse and we might get to move sooner than expected. I don't welcome him because while we will be okay, others won't. Mikie is  a little lost in his routine. 

As the day closes we pray and weep with the families of those involved in a horrible wreck on the interstate today. Our Pastor's opened the doors of the church for anyone who needed help, counseling, food, anything. They were at the scene, they counseled, they interviewed with the local news, they loved just as Jesus would. 

Last night I processed my five dollar hair color and yelled at Iron Man 3 at ten o'clock. Tonight is different. I only know the wife of the Pastor of the church the bus involved in the wreck was from, but I feel like I lost something today. My heart aches for those in the accident, those who rescued and counseled. Those that witnessed the accident and the love of Jesus Christ. 

While my hair will grow out or change color soon, the lives of many changed in an instant. Middle schoolers I don't even know have lost grandparents. Please remember them in your prayers tonight and in the days ahead. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

31 Days--Day 1 Some Things About Mattie

                                            Hi, I am Mattie and I am 11years old.
Back to School Pic

Over the next month, Mom and I are going to tell you about my days in middle school. The one thing I don't like is we have lockers. They are so aggravating some times, I just want to punch them. I don't have a favorite teacher, because they are all cool. My favorite subjects are social studies and language arts. My favorite school food is Big Daddy pizza. I also run cross country. I am a Christian. I'm on the Bible Drill Team at church and I'm a GA, Girl's Ambassador. I just found out yesterday that I made it into Beta Club. I really like middle school and I'm excited to share my story with you.  Mattie

I wanted Mattie to introduce herself today. She decided to only share a little about herself because she doesn't want to run out of things to say. She's like her Momma she never runs out of things to say. But nevertheless, it's the first day of 31 days of middle school life. I can't tease about tomorrow since it is her decision and she hasn't written it yet.  Come back and see what Mattie has to say about middle school life.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Exciting New Page

After all these years I've finally realized I can add a page to my blog. Yipee!! So click up at the top there where it says 31 Days...Middle School Life, for an exciting month of posts from Mattie and I.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Currently--September 25, 2013

For some reason it didn't post yesterday, so here it is... a day late.

Eating:       Birthday cake, celebrating birthday's of Related Arts teacher friends.

Watching:  Cross Country, Soccer and Football…Live

Thinking:   I need a long rainy day nap.

Praying:     For Kendra, a dear friend of ours, who has spent the last 10 days in the hospital and has at 
                  least that long more before the doc will consider sending her home. 

Planning:   Christmas presents, student council excitement and a nap on Sunday.

Dreaming:  Of packing and cleaning to move in. Maybe at Christmas break.

Reading:    Actually listening. We are obsessed with the 39 Clues series. We are finally on book 11, 
                  which leads into another set of books that go along with it called Vespers Vs. Cahills.
                  Thank goodness for Overdrive, READS online library and Air Force library, we never     
                  have to wait too long for the next one.


Monday, September 23, 2013

Take a Break

Every once in awhile some of us get to sit down and enjoy a break. Today it's Mattie and Maggie. Of course Mattie already ran two miles for cross country and Maggie has soccer two other days this week. 

They sat down to listen to "The Demigod Files" from the Percy Jackson series and to work on homework.

 Mattie and I spent our school day at the high school football field watching Meadowview kick some Patriot hiney. I get to spend tomorrow there again chaperoning the band. Sunscreen and visor are required for packing tomorrow. I just hope today's burn doesn't blister. It hurts pretty bad. 

I haven't posted in a long time. Mainly because I haven't had time. Today I figured out I am a pretty good phone typer and can blog on my phone. I guess it's the next best thing to dragging my laptop around. 

I will try to post more over the next few days. The goal is to post something everyday in October. We will see what happens. 

Until next time Happy fall y'all!!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Back to School 2013

Back to school pictures were fun this year. Mikie always takes off on registration day to take the kids since I have to work. This year he wasn't off on the first true day of school so we decided to take pics on registration day. This was the only one he got. Mollie was mad at Maggie for telling her to let her help hold the sign and so she spit in Maggie's face. Mollie didn't like the punishment that came with it. This is proof for all of you who think our four act at home like they do in public, they don't.           
Registration Day

And then the next morning, I pulled out the tripod. After 4 practice shots I finally had us all in the frame, with arms and heads. A much better morning than the one before. 
1st true day of school

This week went to one of our favorite places Downtown Morristown and took more back to school pics. 

Still wearing those red boots!

Seven and half days of school down, beautiful weather for August and four excited kids anxious to see what the year holds.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


It's been one of those summers. My computer is finally fixed so I will catch you up on lots of excitement over the next few days. Come back and visit soon!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Currently--June 5

Eating:          Fresh vegies and fruits from the Farmer's Market
Watching:     The Piano Guys--I'm obsessed with their talent. 
Drinking:      Water, water and more water
Thinking:     I need to catch up on A LOT of things. 
Praying:      For our family, today is Papaw larry's first birthday in Heaven
                    GA Retreat, Women's Conference, the new house and ministry there

Planning:      A 31 gifts party and Nerf Super Soaker Party through House
                     Let me know if you want to come to either one. :)
Dreaming:    What the new house will look like when it's finished. 
Reading:     Magazines-- I can't focus on anything else. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Currently--May 22, 2013

Eating:          More healthier than normal, now that I can cook at home more. Love Brussell Sprouts!!!            
Watching:     Nothing, don't have time.
Drinking:      Water, water and more water
Thinking:     That I need to upload some more current pics. And blog about our fun activities of May!
Praying:       For Moore, Oklahoma and all those affected by these crazy storms. 

Planning:      A Wise Woman Builds--Women's Conference at church.  
                           And the Johnson Family Summer Bucket List
Dreaming:    Of packing and moving.
Reading:     1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Currently--May 15th Last Day of School

Eating:          Hamburgers--End of School Year Cookout everyday this week!
Watching:     YouTube videos
Drinking:       Mickey D's Coca Cola -- light ice
Thinking:     How awesome middle schoolers are. They raised $1400 for Kaitlyn to help 
                          in  her fight against Hodgkins! Kick that cancer!!
Praying:       For Kaitlyn, and several special teachers who have cancer

Planning:      A Wise Woman Builds--Women's Conference at church.  
                           And the Johnson Family Summer Bucket List

Dreaming:    Sleeping past 5:00 AM
Reading:     Platform by Michael Hyatt--on hold. Picking it back up this weekend. I hope!

Yep, I chopped 11 inches for Locks of Love in honor of my sweet student Kaitlyn. 
Mattie's up next for Pantene in honor of Mrs. McCurry!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Currently--April 24

This is how I feel! Love that girl! Giant hickey and all!

Eating:         Eating fresh Crappie caught by Papaw Gary out of Douglas Lake
Watching:     Absolutely Nothing-- who has time
Drinking:       ICEE, ICEE, ICEE
Thinking:      TCAP week has to be the longest week of the year!
Praying:       For Kaitlyn, teachers and students taking TCAPS, someone traveling
Planning:      A Wise Woman Builds--Women's Conference for church August 24th. 
Dreaming:    Of Sleep
Reading:     Platform by Michael Hyatt

LIfe gets in the way of blogging during the school year. Just 15 more days of school and I can catch up on a lot of things, including blogging. 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Memories of My Gall Bladder

Ran across this in my journal from September 2010. Just wanted to get it online so I won't lose it. 

It’s been interesting around here this week. I had my gallbladder out Tuesday morning and it led to some crazy ideas in my kids heads. Our 4 year old, Mollie, has been with Grammy since Monday so she hasn’t experienced  any of this. Our 3rd grader, Mattie, decided in lunch Tuesday to mix her leftover mashed potatoes, ketchup, honey mustard, milk and applesauce together and tell the teacher she had puked. Well it would’ve worked if a little boy hadn’t told the teacher she was lying. Why would she do this? Well it seems that another little girl told a story about her dog going to the vet to be put to sleep, it died and didn’t come back home. So in Mattie's mind, I was being put to sleep which meant I might die and not come back.
Wednesday, I made it down the steps to eat lunch. Nana was here to take care of me since Mikie couldn’t be off work. As I finished lunch the phone rang. It was Maggie′s teacher. Seems Maggie, who’s six, had stomach issues, and the other two kids did too. Nana picked them all up at school after lunch and they came home. Would you believe they suddenly felt much better. Mommy was okay so they guessed they should let me sleep and they should play.
To add to the craziness of the week our 5 year old, Michael, missed the showing of my incisions on Tuesday evening. He has been pretty rough with me all week. On Thursday, Mikie, asked him what his problem was. “Mommy’s lazy.” He assumed since I had been in bed all week that I was just lazy. After he saw my belly he changed his mind, but not really his attitude.
Today, 5 days after my surgery I’m finally starting to feel much better. The kids are all with grandparents for the weekend. Mikie is working all weekend. When the military calls you work, no matter who has had surgery that week. 

My kids come up with the craziest ideas. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Celebrations of Life and Death

Mattie celebrated her 11th birthday on March 9th. Mattie is my oldest, mini-me. Luckily for the rest of the family, she is my only mini-me. She was our first of four blessings. One that we never thought we would ever receive. Her last year has been full of echocardiogram, transesophageal echocardiogram and CT scans. Her heart murmur is fine and should not cause her problems. We visit the neurologist in April about her headaches.

She is beautiful, mature, loving and giving. She isn't afraid to show her love for Christ and will tell you all about Him.  She is excited about being Safety Patrol Captain and can't wait to visit Washington, D.C. with Safety Patrol this spring.

She landed a lead part in the spring musical at church and just finished playing basketball on the school team. I think she is the most excited about having her own bedroom in the new house. 

Her birthday fell on Saturday this year just like when she was born. Mikie had drill and we all got up extra early and inflated every balloon that the small helium tank would inflate. Twenty-eight to be exact. We tied ribbons and let them all go over top of the her bed, the top bunk. Then Mikie woke her up to tell her happy birthday before he left for drill.

I haven't seen her smile like that in so long. She stresses over everything lately, typical adolescent stress. She was so excited that she had all those balloons and that we really did love and care about her.

Later that morning she went to spend the weekend with Grammy and Papaw Shaver. She really likes to go with them for her birthday. Grammy takes her shopping and she gets whatever she wants until Grammy's budgeted amount runs out. This year Cousins Dixie and Fisher spent the weekend too.

On Sunday morning, Mattie's birthday weekend took a terrible turn. What had been a happy, joyous celebration that was supposed to end with a party at lunch with us, aunts, uncles and cousins, quickly became a party minus one.

As Grammy finished serving breakfast to Mattie, Dixie and Fisher, they heard a noise. Grammy ran to find Papaw had fallen. He was getting ready to go preach and sing. She yelled for Mattie to bring her the phone. After a long time with the EMT's they took Papaw to the hospital. Mattie, Dixie and Fisher didn't realize exactly what had happened, but Mattie and Dixie knew something was really wrong and kept praying over and over for Papaw.

That Sunday turned into a long day. One final goodbye to a Papaw who had entered our lives just over 11 years ago when he and Grammy married. A Papaw that made a difference not only in our lives but in the lives of hundreds of people at the various churches he preached, conferences he lead, places he sang. Over his 67 years he was Christ's light to others. He told stories of his two tours in Vietnam. He had a loud, boisterous voice and sang all the time. He always had a smile on his face.

Papaw, Grammy and Aunt Wylene--Summer 2012
As Uncle John put it later that evening:
 "There's not many people that can qualify as 'salt of the earth.' And today, there is one less."

We didn't realize until the two memorial services how many lives he had made a difference in. Grammy counted over 400 signatures in the book of visitors.

I'm so proud of how Mattie handled the situation and I know Papaw would be too. Although six of his seven grandchildren aren't his blood he never treated them any different than the one that is.

I could make a list of regrets and wishes that we had spent more time with Papaw, that we had not let our own church responsibilities, extracurricular activities and other things get in the way of hearing him preach and visiting more. In a selfish way I wish Mattie didn't have to experience that morning, but she keeps reminding me that Dixie and Fisher needed her that morning, Grammy needed her. I wish that we had taken her to Grammy and Papaw's and visited the day before, instead of Grammy picking her up. I wish we could turn back time.

No regret or wishes can change the past, but they can change the future. Birthdays will be celebrated in a big way, Sundays will be reserved for worship and family, invites to special events will be honored even if it means we have to ask someone else to cover our responsibilities elsewhere.

I can't make Mattie's 11th birthday a completely happy to remember occasion, but we can happily remember it as a time that we learned a lot of things about Papaw and she can carry on his legacy of lighting this world with Christ's love.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Eating:         Leftovers
Watching:     YouTube videos on Facebook
Drinking:       ICEE, ICEE, ICEE
Thinking:      I need to finish my grades.
Praying:        For my family, MIL and the rest of that side after the loss of Papaw Larry.
Planning:      Packing and Cleaning of current house for sale; remodel of 101 yr old farmhouse.
Dreaming:    of putting my toes in the sand. Ain't gonna happen this Spring!
Reading:       absolutely nothing. Next week must read at least one book.